Business Development
As representatives and exclusive associates of leading international players in their respective fields, we offer our partners a full range of business development activities across multiple platforms, tailor-made solely to meet their needs, while keeping it cost-effective without compromising on quality and performance.

As an industry leader, Elul Technologies successfully ran and executed hundreds of projects and programs, presenting a proven track record in planning and implementing strong and effective campaign strategies.
At Elul Technologies we cover every angle when building campaign strategy, in order to provide a tailored range of success-bound solutions, such as: industry partners, government policies and implications (off-set, industrial participation, preferential government guidelines, media, policy and legal).
Furthermore, whenever needed, we put together ad-hoc mission dedicated strategy teams including special advisers or special technical and logistics teams that provide after-sale support in-country and abroad, as part of our comprehensive CLS effort.
From the working level, to operational and technical users, SME, executives, procurement and logistics officers and up to the top decision makers, we cover all the bases.
(Major campaign strategies and implementation)

After-Sale Support
We provide after-sale support and backup to the IDF and maintain the relationships with overseas suppliers.
ILS (Integrated Logistics Services) - Our whole team of trained and knowledgeable analysts, managers and administrative coordinators, concentrates on the same, cohesive goal: supplying our customers with world-class services and generating bottom-line cost savings.
CLS (Contractor Logistics Support) - It is a priority for us at Elul Technologies to support our customers at every step. A worldwide network of fast, scalable, detailed solutions is sustained by our global team of CLS professionals.
These and other services are provided by a multi-disciplinary team of engineers, logistics and outsourcing program management work force.